Tuesday, September 16, 2014

endless grace

A year. It's been a year to the day since we left Haiti. It still feels so ever present in my mind; how could it have really been that long ago? What a handful of gifts and memories God has given me since then, and a heart full of lifelong lessons and promises.


Positive thoughts from 15 months ago...

Learning to laugh amidst the trials.

Facing trials, but not in vain.

Plenty of amazing sights.

A trip of twists and turns.

Joy in progress and production.

A video of our time living in Haiti.

Reflections a year after arriving in Haiti.

Living in a place you both absolutely love, but are completely battling every minute, will make a lasting impact. Thanks to everyone who has bared with me as I have reflected over this past year. I think I've had to grieve the loss of my time in Haiti. I know I am in a new chapter, but I still feel so connected to this one. It has changed the course of my life. I feel like a totally different person, though it still fills my heart... and I hope to return again another time and give it another go. But I appreciate the patience and understanding as I sift through feelings and continue building and growing.


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