Friday, August 2, 2013

because He is good

This morning I spent some time meditating on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. A simple scripture that I have read countless times over the years, even shared with other people:

"Rejoice always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

But today...

I read it and thought to myself, "Wow, I have not been joyful always. I have not been giving thanks in every circumstance." Since being in Haiti, I have felt very challenged emotionally. And while I have used the challenges to grow closer to God and to my husband, I have not used them as a means to fight for joy and gratitude. The contentment I have pursued is one that clings to God while still holding on to my emotions, not one that let's go of "me" and gives myself humbly and completely back to Him. So I have sought more scriptures on joy and am fighting to truly surrender to God's plan for contentment for me, and not to the one I have designed for myself.

Some thoughts I have recently been given by mentors and other resources:
God is enough for my life.
My joy can not come from my situation.
Find the good where you are, in each day.
To rejoice is to express delight in God and in what He is doing in my life and the lives of others.
Rejoicing is the measure of my satisfaction and pleasure in God.
God is worthy of praise not solely for what He gives, but for who He is (Job 1:8-12)

The thought of pursuing true and godly joy overwhelms me with emotion yet again, because I know it means having to give up my way and submit myself to a joy I have been fighting to feel- because I want to hold onto my home, familiarity, and the things I miss and love. I also want to enjoy our time here. I want both. But as much as I want this to be what "contentment" is, I'm not sure that it is actually the biblical contentment God has for me. So in order to pursue God's plan for contentment in my life, it's almost as if I have to "mourn" the loss of my sadness and longing to be in a different, less challenging situation than I am. For some reason, be it control, pride, or fear, it is so hard to let go of. Can't I have my cake and eat it too? Can't I be miserable and happy at the same time (just like Taylor Swift says)? Maybe, but maybe that's not the plan God has for my life, and maybe that's not how He's going to use me to my full potential. And maybe that's not how He works, and that's not who He designed me to be. That's not how I will grow. And it's not how I fully express my joy and gratitude to Him.

I was reading a bible study on 1 Thess. 5:16-18 that I randomly found online (here), and loved a point the author made based off of Nehemiah 2:1-2:
"Why was Nehemiah fearful for being sad in the king's presence? Why was being sad in the king's presence such a bad thing? Men did not dare to be sad in the king's presence because it reflected badly on the king. If someone was sad in the presence of the king, then it appeared as though the king was somehow failing in some way. Joy in the king's presence implied that being in the king's presence was a privilege and a delight, and thus rejoicing in his presence honors him."
It made me think many things, one being- Is God failing me? Obviously, no. But, by clinging to these emotions of sadness & longing to go home and refusing true joy, I am claiming that He is failing me, or at least that His plan isn't good enough for me (Jeremiah 29:11), or that I know better (Isaiah 55:8); I am limiting what He is able to do right now, in the present, through me (2 Cor. 4:16-18)- because as much as I think I am giving Him my full heart, it can't fully be His as long as I still cling to and find comfort in my emotions.

When I consider the thought of literally packing up and moving back to the U.S. tomorrow, surprisingly (to me, but maybe not to those wiser in the faith), it does not bring me the peace I am searching for. I don't actually, truly want to leave. I don't want to give up. I want this experience. I want to grow, I want to learn, I want to be changed by this (Romans 8:17-18) and to have this as a time in my life that I can always look back at with fondness and even a feeling of accomplishment. I want to do this even just to know that I can do it- but I also know that isn't enough. That can't be the motivation, it can't be about me- not only will it drain me and leave me empty, but it doesn't give all the glory to God, it splits it between Him and myself (John 12:43).

I am afraid to express all of these thoughts because it makes it real, and it makes me accountable. And I don't know if I am ready for that, or if I want that. I still feel sad. I still miss home. I'm not sure if I want to stay here for a whole year. It's still really hard. And I will probably have another break down tomorrow. But I want God to know that I am pleased to be in His presence. I am delighted to be His daughter, to be His servant, to be able to worship Him and to be led by Him. I am humbled to be used by Him. I am an awe of His beauty and His love, His justice and His power. I am overjoyed that He is the true author and the leader of my life, and that He directs my steps (Proverbs 16:9). He deserves my praise, and He is worthy of all glory and honor. And for that, not who I am or where I am or what He has given me, but because of who He is, I can rejoice.

"Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.

I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.'
As for the saints who are in the land,
they are the glorious ones in whom
is all my delight.
The sorrows of those will increase
who run after other gods.
I will not pour out their libations of blood
or take up their names on my lips.

Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

----- Psalm 16


  1. Literally in tears!!!! I think this will be my quiet time for the next week. I love you so!

    1. Marilisa! Thank you for the comment. We will have to scripture swap as we study this out :)

  2. Thank you Jenna for this moving account. We appreciate your generosity, putting this down for us to soak in.

    I love the journey you are on. And the way you bring the scriptures to life as you describe it.

    Your favorite Father-in-law

    1. Thank you for your comment and your encouragement.

  3. You are an amazing woman and I am proud of you. God is helping you to become more vulnerable and honest. The process you are going through is very normal - such a drastic change requires a very slow transition a healing. Wounds don't heal instantly, or just because we want them to, they heal over time as our bodies slowly go through each microscopic process. It's no different with the heart. The emotional healing process is defined in Romans 5 - "...we rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope DOES NOT DISAPPOINT US, because God HAS poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whome he has given us." You have suffered, persevered, your character is being refined, and you are hopeful about your future. So, do you see that you are actually moving through the healing process? Remain hopeful about the future - God has already promised that you won't be disappointed. xoxo Momma

    1. Thanks mom :) I have been reading that scripture and I understand suffering to perseverance to character, but I get lost at how character leads to hope. I have been wondering what exactly that means, what it looks like, how it's possible. So maybe I will get a taste of the answer to that by the time this trip reaches it's end.

  4. Jenna,

    I;m so amazed by the things God is showing you and teaching us all from afar! Wow.


    1. Thank you Jess for your comment. There are many lessons and God is refining me day by day.

  5. Jen-

    What a moving post this is- I have chills at the thought of how my own faith, contentment, trust, etc. shouldn't reflect my own emotions, but rather the truth of what God is doing in my life. That would mean in God's presence I would stand fulfilled because of trust in God and not unfulfilled because of how I feel. What a challenge this is for the fearful people we can be. I have recently been studying out Job (which I saw you quoted) and what it is teaching me is basically what you are talking about here. The question it boils down to in my own life is- WHY do I serve God? Only to receive the easy life full of blessings? If so, it seems I am missing the point.

    Thank you so much for your vulnerability. I admire your faith and your decision to let God mold you through this experience. You inspire me & challenge me. I love you DEARLY.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Kathryn. The biggest thing I have taken away from this study is that while I can always find reasons to be "sad" or discouraged, and they may be valid, God is enough for me to rejoice and to experience and exhibit joy in my life. I never want Him to think that I don't think He's not enough because of my negative attitude or outlook on my life. It looks like we are learning similar things!!

  6. Jenna, thank you for much for your vulnerability and deeply sensitive heart. I think it would be abnormal if you were't feeling at least some of what you are feeling! I love how you are fighting to grow with the scriptures and with God's truths. I have been going through another time in my life of having to compare my feelings to the scriptures and hold on to God's truth, while still dealing with how I 'feel', and I was called higher by the verses you chose and the way you are training your mind and heart through them.
    I love how your mom shared Romans 5 with you, and sometimes it isn't until we actually grow in our character that we see why it leads to hope! but what helps me in those times is:
    Proverbs 3:5 trusting in Him and not leaning on 'my' understanding...which I do, and it keeps me from seeing what He is trying to do with me.
    You are brave, courageous and faithful. And you have a husband that is too!
    Much love, moma Fridley

    1. Thank you for your insight and for taking the time to read and respond! always grateful for your words- love to you.

  7. Jenna:
    Reading your blog today and being touched by your struggles was better than a quiet time for me. I'm so proud of how you have matured into a woman who has a deep love for God. Sharing your thoughts, fears and desires in this way demonstrates your authentic love for God and desire to be faithful. You have become such a strong and courageous young woman. I could not be more proud.
    Love you and miss you.

    1. Thank you, Dad! I have had very faithful and God-centered parents to lead and teach me. love you!

  8. Jenna...Am just reading this post tonight. I appreciate your realness & express your fears & emotions. God is using your "journey of faith" in more ways than you can understand at this time. Not only are you being transformed, but your faith is having an impact on the rest of us. Through you & Andrew, God is being glorified!

    We love you...
    Tak-Sing, Teresa & Andrew

    1. Thank you for your constant encouragement and support. We love you guys and are so grateful for the time you've invested into us!
