Friday, May 30, 2014

have a nice weekend!

We made it! This week has been great, but I have been so exhausted from all of our previous weekend trips. I'm looking forward to having a weekend in our new city- I'm ready to explore and relax :) I have a friend coming in town for the night, too. I'm starting to understand why weekends are so awesome for everyone in the working world... :)

Baha. Yes.

Would have been wonderful in college.

Mine and Andrew's motto for the month of May, it has seemed. May is always the busiest!

Oh. My. Yum.

Another amazing food find.

I saw a little baby boxer today at my apartment and now I can't get him out of my mind!

Totally gorgeous.

I know I'm all over the food links today (can you tell I'm hungry?), but, OH MY!

Looking for a weekend DIY?

A woman of true beauty and deep wisdom.


Image found here //


  1. I had a boxer growing up! They are the cutest! Trying to convince Tyson… :)

    1. I've never been super drawn to them, but this wittle guy is making me reconsider!! I officially met him a couple days ago and am in love :) They seem like good family dogs, too!
