Wednesday, May 28, 2014

third time's a charm

This was road trip weekend round 3, and it's taken me an extra day to be able to recover enough to update on here. Let me begin by saying, this was an incredibly beautiful and moving wedding of two people that we love and adore so tremendously. Let me also say that after this weekend, I have decided I am never driving to Chicago again :) With stops in Nashville, St. Louis, and even the-middle-of-nowhere Bradford, Illinois, this trip to Chicago was one for the books.

In addition to the plentiful mileage, there was plentiful love :) I was able to spend (too brief of) an amount of time with one of my best girls, which naturally included many Parks & Rec quotes, creepy dancing, and life talks. The wedding and reception were held at Shallowbrook Farm, with corn fields for miles, a train passing through every few hours, and windmills on the horizon. It was dreamy!

{Video to Come Soon...}

Andrew was a groomsmen for Derick, who he traveled the country with in 2008- which is when Andrew and I first met! Needless to say, Derick has been a special part of our lives for some time. And his new bride, Jess, is an absolute joy and lifelong friend for me. We were also honored (and nervous! okay, just me.) to sing during their ceremony while they said their personal vows privately to one another. 

Mr. and Mrs. Anies, we love you and can't wait to travel the world with you- starting with your new home in Colorado, where we will be sure to visit you very very soon :)


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