Monday, March 31, 2014

growth > perfection

The calligraphy practice has finally begun! And I am off to a (very) shaky start... but you've gotta start somewhere, right? I already have two projects underway for a friend getting married in May, so I'm hoping to be a fast learner and to create something pretty for her big day (this is helping me get there!). With this plus my recent furniture reno's, I am feeling super crafty and motivated to try many new things. Pottery classes, videography, instruments... I have all of these ideas for things I'd love to learn. What about you? What are you learning, or what would you like to learn soon? Make a decision to always be learning something new, no matter how small-- make your goal growth, not perfection. Happy Monday!!



  1. Way to go! If this hobby ever turns into a business you know I will recommend you to all my clients ;)

  2. You're my inspiration.
