Tuesday, April 1, 2014

common, daily "life hacks" I didn't do until after college

There are some things that most people figure out pretty early on, that somehow I just missed the memo on. I've always noticed others doing these things, but never thought that they could actually be more efficient and effective! It's that whole "you do your thing, I do my thing" mentality. Once I attempted to do things the way I had always seen them done, I realized there is actually is a reason to all the madness :) So, in case you haven't yet "crossed over," here are 5 simple (very simple, like 'duh everyone does that, why haven't you done that before' simple) things to spruce up your daily routines. 

1. Drying off with a towel after a shower- I know what you're thinking... "duh! what else?" But for me, that wasn't quite my thought process. I knew people dried off each area of their body before exiting the shower, but I just thought it was a "mom thing" (??) and that it took too much time. So instead, I just wrapped a towel around my soaked body, and walked around my room, sitting and waiting for the drops to evaporate. Meanwhile, I would freeze from being soaking wet. When the lights finally went on and I realized I could be a dry in a matter of seconds AND not spend my post-shower minutes being so cold, I finally understood what the towel drying rage was all about ;) baha!

2. Running with Headphones- Again, I've always seen people running with headphones. I have never been that into running, and when I started running daily while I was gearing up to be in top shape for my wedding, I didn't have an iPod or smartphone. So I ran with a watch and the company of my thoughts. A few months ago I took to the streets once again, this time with my iPhone in tote. And it was like my eyes were opened to a whole new athletic me that I never knew existed. Not only was it more fun, but my endurance seemed so much greater- because I couldn't hear myself huffing and puffing :) Now, I can't believe I ever ran without music. It makes the experience 100 times better.

3. Calling Friends Spontaneously- I've always tried to make it a habit to be consistent with long distant friends (or even local friends who you just haven't seen in a while). However, I used to feel like I had to schedule exact times and dates to chat. As life becomes more hectic for us all, our schedules don't quite allow room for long chats, much less times that overlap perfectly with your friends. So, I've formed the habit of just making quick 20 minute phone calls when I'm in the car- on the way to work, running an errand, etc. That's about all the time we can all manage these days, and the introvert in me enjoys it more knowing that I have a deadline/destination and the conversation won't drag on. It's plenty of time to catch each other up on the highlights and even swap a few funny stories :)

4. Flossing Before Brushing- I floss every day, but literally my entire life I flossed after brushing my teeth. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I noticed a friend flossing before and I gave her the "what are you doing" face and she returned with the "are you serious" face. She explained that when you brush after you floss, you brush away anything that may have been left behind from flossing... and my life was forever changed.

5. Applying Lotion Twice a Day- This is my most recent one, and I have to say I adapted it from my poor eczema suffering husband. The last two winters that we have been married, I've ragged on him for putting on so much lotion and then putting his sticky legs in our bed. However, I recently decided on a whim to try it too, and even after a few days, I can't believe how much more moisturized my skin looks. I used to just put lotion on when I was wearing shorts, so that no one would be grossed out by my dry, scaly legs. I never really applied it to my arms at all. I have been applying when I get out of the shower (after towel drying ;) ), and before I go to bed. My arms feel so soft and my skin looks so healthy. It's not just for hiding my skin anymore... now it's actually improving it!

Why do half of these have to do with hygiene? Ha :) I promise I am clean and healthy :) It's funny when you realize the habits you formed may not be as effective as others, or make no sense at all! There's also the beauty of crock pots, monthly(ish) manicures, lighting candles to relax, actually brushing your hair every day ;) ... any "hacks" you'd like to share?? Clearly, I need some help :)


Image found here //

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