Tuesday, April 29, 2014

keeping it cool

How long do you hold out before turning on your A/C? We've been trying to rough it the last few days in our new place, but being on the top floor has it's disadvantages when it comes to summer heat. After not sleeping well last night due to the heat (even with 3 fans), and then discovering this morning that even some of our pantry food is melting... I think it might be time to flip the switch. I used to pride myself on saving a few bucks on my bills by being able to fight off the switch to A/C or heat for weeks on end, but I'm about ready to put those days behind me. And it's not even May!!

P.S. This looks oh so refreshing.


Image found here //


  1. We tend to hold off too or at least just turn it on for short increments of time. Although I love keeping all the blinds open to soak in natural light, I know keeping them closed helps keep our house cool.

    1. I didn't even think about that! I'm a sucker for natural light, too.
