Tuesday, March 11, 2014

how do you fight off a cold?

I've been battling a pretty severe cold for the past few days now, and I'm failing miserably at attempts to stay hydrated. This morning I tried to start off strong with my usual glass of ice water, adding on a cup of hot jasmine green tea and a small glass of vitamin-c packed OJ. Any remedies that work for you?

This poor little guy passed the cold onto me, and I can't even be mad at him because he is just so stuffy and pitiful. Cuddles all around. At least we're in this together, little dude.

Here's a lit of 7 Home Redmedies for relieving cold symptoms.



  1. I was up all night with a stuffy sinus head. The Nico-bug has far reaching implications.

    1. Oh no! He's a little guy but this cold is having big effects!
