Friday, July 19, 2013

Andrew and The Ladies

We got to visit with some friends from the US the other day... They stayed for a week at The Village of Hope, and we visited them for a couple hours to talk, eat dinner, and tour the village. The girls have already left, but it was refreshing to spend time with them and share our experiences with each other.

We also took our first moto ride on the way out there! A moto is another form of transportation- a guy on a small motorcycle that fits 1 or 2 passengers and takes you directly to where you need to go, with no stops. A little more expensive, but quicker than a tap-tap which is constantly starting and stopping to let off and pick up passengers. It's also scarier...! I won't go into details to spare our parents from anxiety... but our first experience was very safe and succesful ;)


  1. jenna:

    thank you for posting your blogs every day. I appreciate reading about your experiences. I'm glad you were able to have some time with people like you from the US. Mom read to me all the text that you and she were sending today, and I'm glad we are all staying in touch. Can't wait to see you in person in September. It seems to far away but i know it will be here soon.
    Luv ya

  2. You better have worn a helmet! I don't even want to know!

  3. All you need to know is that we are alive, unharmed, and made it quickly and safely :)
