Thursday, July 18, 2013

riding in style

Our tap-tap the other night looked like it had recently been on an episode of "Pimp My Ride" (or "Pimp My Tap-Tap"). It had completely cushioned seating and a freshly painted interior, and was decked out in fluorescent multi-colored lights around the words "Jesus Love." We are keeping it classy in Haiti!


  1. I like that it also says "Patience" (good to be reminded of that before you get into a tap-tap); "Toyota" (in case you are American and need some reassurance); and, "Big You You" (not sure about that one.) I totally think that Ashton Kutcher should come to Haiti to produce "Pimp My Tap-Tap." Could provide some economic benefit to Haiti.

    1. I also like that even though I thought I was being super discreet in taking the picture, the driver still managed to notice and make sure he got his face in it.
