Thursday, February 13, 2014

hugs and kisses and lots of warmth

Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day tomorrow? With all the snow and ice this week, we are hoping to be able to get out for a little bit at least. I received this postcard from my friend, Marilisa, this week, and I thought it was the sweetest gesture. I have never been super into Valentine's day- a day made up to promote sales and celebrate romance that is already celebrated with many other holidays, plus my birthday is only 10 days before… but, it seems so much more special to really see it as a day to show appreciation and love to everyone you care for, not just romantically. Everyone can use a little love :)



  1. Awww yay it arrived!! I was worried the snow would cause some major delays. Love you!

    1. I was meaning to text you but I figured I'd thank you publicly ;)
