Tuesday, February 11, 2014

a seat to sit

As we get closer (hopefully) to making our next move, my mind is also set on something a bit bigger than prints and wall decor: furniture. Specifically, couches. I passed mine and Andrew's old college couches onto my brother, and do not wish to ever have those back in my home again. Instead, I'd love to find something new to bring our new home a fresh, mature look. I love white, but I'm not sure I could convince Andrew (he's way more into darker colors). This grey couch (photo above) seems like a nice compromise. A little bit of color, but still softens and brightens the room without making it too overwhelming.

I also think this little bench from World Market is a nice alternative to a love seat. So elegant but still functional. 

And, of course, I'd absolutely love a good, dark leather chair (who doesn't?)- so cozy.

What about you? Any tips or suggestions on where to find good, inexpensive couches and chairs? Spill your secrets :)



  1. I want that little loveseat in my bedroom! Carly found some nice furniture at the Salvation Army store. Apparently, the run deals on Wednesdays. Ask her about it.

    1. I will ask her- thrift stores are always so hit or miss for me! I have a few friends who always seem to hit the jackpot though. it must be a gift- and I don't think I have it :)
