Monday, January 6, 2014

do you like the cold?

I'm often surprised by how many of my friends can't stand cold weather! I guess it makes sense, living in Georgia, that one would prefer the summer over the winter. I, however, really don't mind the cold. I love bundling up in layers of winter clothes and getting cozy by the fire. Even once the holidays pass, it still just seems so festive. I am dying for a snow day here in Georgia! I love the magic of winter. I say that now… we will see how I feel if I ever live in a place that actually has a "real" winter :)

Image found here //


  1. Been there, done that, first 17 years of my life. I want beaches and sunny and flowy light clothes and long days that allow playing outside until 9:00. But I don't want to sweat.

    1. Maybe that's how I will feel after some time in the north. Let me know when you find that dream spot and I will happily come visit you :)
