Tuesday, August 20, 2013

around the country and back again

Back to the blogging world! And the world in general. This past weekend, Andrew and I visited an orphanage (the French-founder pictured above) in Anse-a-Pitres, a town on the most south-eastern tip of Haiti, right on the border of the Dominican Republic. We had a great experience and have a lot to report. However, the trip there and back was completely exhausting (reference pictures below). We are taking a few days to recover and catch up on some work, so I will give a more official update soon.

In the mean time, here are our "how I feel right now" pictures we took last night after traveling back home- 1 border crossing, 1 moto ride with 3 flat tires, a 3.5 hour-long moto ride through the winding mountains on gravel roads, and 3 tap-taps in 2 hours of traffic later... 9 and a half hours to travel only 91 miles. Se Ayiti...

We also have excellent farmers' tans, as you can imagine. See you when we recover...



  1. You both look exhausted; hope you get some rest.

    1. thanks dad... we are hanging out in the A/C in the lobby of the Best Western now :)

  2. These photos are HILARIOUS. I think you should use them for Christmas cards :)

    1. "Wishing you the fattest chicken and the fastest tap-tap this holiday season."

    2. I keep coming back to it, thinking I'm looking at a romantic comedy movie poster and dying! Hahaha

  3. I have to concur with Marilisa...I did laugh out loud at the pictures. :) Poor babies! The minute you set foot at 1413 Chloe Drive I'm putting Andrew on a cheeseburger and milkshake regiment.

    1. haha! what about me?? why can't i have the burger and shake diet?! :)
