Thursday, August 29, 2013

a weird thing I miss...

A really weird thing that I miss and think about almost daily is... hardwood floors. So random! The majority of the floors in homes here are tile, and there is something about hardwood that is just so homey and "American" to me. Even weirder, I get visions of just lying down on them (specifically my mama's because they're so clean!). Our feet get so dirty walking around barefoot even in our "home". Everything in Haiti is just so dusty. So for some reason the idea of clean hardwood floors (okay, or carpet, too) just makes me want to lie down and rest. Ha!

What do you miss when you're away from home?


  1. my kitty. and a clean bathtub.

    1. i miss american kitties too... the one that lives with us sleeps in the trash... yuck.

  2. My trips away from home may be a lot shorter than yours lately but my trips are more frequent. I can really say, as a traveling "home body" that I just miss being home and with family and friends. Can't wait to see you in 17 days. (and counting)

    1. maybe that's what missing hardwood floors really means... just missing home. we can't wait! we tried to move our flight up so we can leave a few days earlier, but it's too expensive to switch. So i guess 9/16 is our destiny.

  3. hahah thats so cute! gotta love the hard wood! i miss clean sheets

    1. that's a good one! our sheets are always so dirty cause our feet are so filthy here!
