Thursday, September 11, 2014

sugar rush

Have you seen this documentary on sugar in the food industry? I took sugar out of my diet a few months ago (not just sweets- literally, anything with sugar minus fruit), though it has slowly crept back in (whoops!). It's fascinating, and crazy, what's going into processed food these days. I love learning about the ways our body interacts with different food- physically and mentally. It's amazing how we are so connected!

Image found here //

1 comment:

  1. Did you actually watch it? I haven't seen it yet because I'm trying to avoid purchasing it. Very eager to watch it and give my opinion ;) Based on the preview it's nothing new I don't know....Yes it's sugar/carbs that is making everyone fat, and the government is playing a huge role in allowing that....anyways, if you've seen it I'd love to know your thoughts!
