Monday, September 9, 2013

how 'bout them dawgs?

This past weekend, in case you missed it, UGA beat the gamecocks (USC) 41-30. Its' been 3 years since we won against them, and victory sure is sweet :) (sorry mom and dad!)

We sure missed being in Sanford Stadium, but Andrew and I made up for it by watching the game from our laptop in the Best Western hotel lobby. After the game, the camera ended on the very last shot of the fans running towards the famous hedges, and we caught a glimpse of our friends and their home-made sign, "It takes a real man to be Gurley." (in reference to UGA's running back, Todd Gurley, who is currently one of the top RBs in the country!)

 Within minutes our facebook newsfeed was full of snapshots that people took of their tv screens of our friends. I know this kinda thing isn't that big of a deal, but still so exciting! Five minutes (or 10 seconds) of fame. Have you ever been on tv before?

Maybe the dawgs won especially for us, to give us the energy and excitement we need to finish off strong our last week here ;) I woke up sick today, so we're not sure how our plans will pan out. We'll be using this week to have last minute meetings, pick up a gift or two for people with birthdays back home (shhh), and organizing our new fundraising ideas for OEF. Have a good Monday!

P.S. Read about UGA's win in the New York Times.
