Friday, September 13, 2013

happy friday!

We visited a home for children last week and while it was great and the people were wonderful... I was a little distracted by and smitten with the tiny baby kittens that insisted on sleeping in my lap. whoops :)

We also visited this spot again a few days ago, and ordered akra and french fries (so fancy) from the nearby restaurant. 

This week has been a little slower- not as many meetings as we had anticipated. But we are planning to take a short trip with some friends to Jacmel, and then will spend what we have left of the weekend packing and preparing for our trip to the US on Monday!



  1. Be prepared to miss it when you're home. Part of your heart is there now. I can't wait to hug your neck!

    1. Wish I could scoop up some of the people and bring them with me!
