Tuesday, August 27, 2013

goats yelling like humans

Did you see the trend of videos a few months ago, "Goats Yelling Like Humans"? Videos of goats making sounds that surprisingly sound a lot like people. If you close your eyes, you can easily imagine the screams coming from a person! They are the kind of humor that I call dumb-humor (so funny because it's so dumb), and also so weird! Anyways, when we were visiting Ayitimoun Yo last week, a goat on their property reminded me of the videos, so I had to share it. Just something humorous to brighten your day :)

P.S. This was my favorite "Goats Yelling Like Humans" Remix.


  1. Wow! I love reading your blog! What an amazing journey the two of you are on. Keep the posts coming.
