Friday, July 5, 2013

A few photos from our 4th...

 The last few days we have been spending our mornings reading on the front porch, where there is a nice breeze...

The gate that leads to the street from Mimi's house. We spent the whole day navigating tap-taps all on our own!

We found this little hotel restaurant while we were waiting to meet up with a friend, and had some egg sandwiches and a coke (all for about 5 bucks!). Yes, that's Edward Scissorhands on tv ;) and in english!

We helped this woman and son by paying for their tap-tap fare (only 10 gourds a person, which is about 25 cents), and then she helped us by leading us to the building we were looking for. We have interacted with so many people that are genuinely concerned and want to help us find our way around! P.S. That is a tap-tap on the right. I will describe those in more detail soon!

We also spent time at an American friend's house, where they had about 30 other Americans over to hang out and eat burgers. Pretty much everybody there was in some job having to do with development, so Andrew loved every minute of meeting people and exchanging phone numbers :) 

Now we continue our search for an apartment close to these new friends!


  1. Are these egg sandwiches like the infamous ones that we used to always eat in the morning for breakfast at Mimis?! Haitian eggs are somethin else...

    1. Nothing has been like the eggs at Mimis... ;)
